Wednesday, June 14, 2006
i'm going cycling's the best way for me to my friends, if anything happens to me, and i should die, or leave this world, please read my blogged post a few days ago...i'm just so nervous i really want to escape all my problems...God...if were to see you today, would you accept me into your kingdom? or would the gates reject me?...i'm scared...i feel like going to the places i frequent to relive memories...but something in me is scared...i'm not going to bring my knives out with me right my knives always give me a sense of comfort...but i don't feel that now...i feel queer...i feel weird...will today be my last?..i don't know... God help me please...i promise to be a better child of yours if you get me past this me me my friends...pray for me, don't ignore me... dragonfly
++ quoth dragonfly at 11:42 PM |