Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Hello!... Hmm...just some updates...I've been real busy, preparing for some stuff, both sch related, and non school related, as well as just slacking..Well, let's see, these are the more exciting stuff that happened recently.. 1: I bought a new knife!...It's a custom no-date Emerson Specwar CQC9, with a zero-grind blade, and came with a skull clip,as well as a skull attached to the lanyard that was tied to it. Merci beaucoup to "Spyken" for helping me obtain my "Holy-Grail-knife" from the states!. This knife in particular has been my much desired piece since the day i embarked on my knife-collecting journey. But since then, it was either (a): beyond my budget then, or (b): simply not available!. Well, it's a long story how i managed to get it, but to keep things short, the USN rocks, and Spyken is a real pal!...Here are some pictures of the CQC9!!! ![]() ![]() Ain't my new knife Pretty!?!..the CQC9 has since become part of my EDC, toted alongside my EKI Super Commander!..and that simply rockS!!...I never dreamed that the day would come when i could tote a CQC9!..This blade's a beauty!.. Alright, knives aside..here's some of the more exciting things that happened since the date of my last post. Last week i met up with Paula twice. On tuesday, we went to the National museum to view the Cartier collection, and we were pretty intrigued by the collection that was put up on display!.. i was pretty awed by the whole collection, and it really interested me a lot. For those of you who don't know, i pretty much love jewelry, fine art products and other exquisite stuff. There was a gemologist too, among the tour-crowd, who stepped in to share his knowledge of identifying the origins of various gems. After leaving the place, we left for lunch, and by then i was famished!..haha..had a good meal, then left. Then on thursday, Paula and i met up again. This time we went to a part of Singapore which not many people know about. It's at the tip of singapore, where the breakwaters are, and it's an awfully serene and calm place. We sat there, and chatted whilst admiring the natural scene, and the wonders of God, and this place we call earth. it was an enjoyable quiet afternoon-evening, which i'm sure she enjoyed too. Fast forward to Sunday. Ha..this was the day of Weizhen's=) birthday party which was held at the Aloha Chalet Resort. It was an interesting experience, as it was the first time i attended a party which had a dress-code; it was a uniform party. For this, i loaned my cousin's Airforce flight suit, which apparently as the others commented, looked very much like a parachutist's jump suit. Haha...Had a good time too, as i went cycling with mozz, probably the first time we've gone cycling together, since december last year. The downside being that i left my Identity Card at the bicycle kiosk, which i have to retrieve from the owner soon. That more or less sums up last week. Today, was a good day. I successfully carried out my "Different-Breakfast-Surprise" i planned for Weizhen=). We had a rather interesting ride in the Aerophile balloon located at beach road, followed by a rather sumptous "prawn-noodle" brunch at an old shophouse along Beach Road. Just like to say to Weizhen=), that i'm glad you liked the ride, and hope that it made your 21st birthday a little bit more special.=) Well, i guess that's about all for now, please pray for my upcoming exams, tests, essays due, and projects!..Merci Beaucoup!. Cheers, dragonfly
++ quoth dragonfly at 3:39 AM |