Tuesday, May 13, 2008
HellO!!! Woohoo!..it's 1:44am now, and i can't sleep!..guess why?......no...i'm not getting a new knife again...rather, i'm getting a new drum!!..at 8pm later, i'll be collecting my new "LP (Latin Percussion) Galaxy® Giovanni Series™ Djembe" from Jhon Fernandez from the airport!!..a fellow conguero from Columbia, he now plays in Bangkok, and he did me such a huge favour by travelling 2hrs to the LP distributor in Bangkok to buy the Djembe for me!..it costs me only S$750 in total inclusive of the Djembe bag!!..in Singapore the whole set would have cost me about S$1200+++..Here's a picture of what it looks like: ![]() Mine's the one on the left, which is the 14 inch (Diameter) Djembe, and has the deeper bass tones, and the nice crisp slaps!..woohoo!!...in 18 hours time this baby will be mine!!... Will be bringing this with me to Batam on the 3rd of June for the Church Retreat, and this time this will be the instrument that i'll play there!..haha!..Also, on the 7th and 8th of June, will be going with Eunice, and most likely Elisha; Jabez; and Paul to a Drum Circle in Singapore..that should be fun!..i'll be bringing my Djembe or Cajon..still thinking..heh.. Oh well..got to go sleep soon!.. To YOU: Chill ya?..remember, no matter what ppl say, it doesn't matter...U are U, and not what they think "U" are..Rock on!..can't wait to show U my Djembe!! Cheers and Regards, dragonfly-conguero
++ quoth dragonfly at 10:44 AM |