Thursday, May 29, 2008
Hello!.. Haha...i know i haven't been blogging much lately...been too busy caught up with a Percussions workshop for my church yesterday, and prior to that i had to arrange the rental, collection and returning of various was a pretty okay session...=)..Some people i have to thank: Paul Chow!..Thanks so much for helping me in soooo many ways..helping me with the moving of the drums on the day and night before the workshop itself, and thanks so much for accompanying me on the drums on the day itself!..and thanks for so many other things! Elisha & Jabez!..Thanks for helping us on the day before the workshop!..helping to move things, etc..haha..really enjoy having the 3 of you guys all are funny!!...haha & thanks Jabez for bringing ur friend (hahaha...i shan't mention the name i thought your fren was called)..haha!!!.. Well, today i went to watch Paul's tennis match..he played against a Jap guy..and was a pretty good match...pity Paul was too fatigued..=(..anyway, it's uber cool tt u've come so far already!..have a good rest manz!=).. After the match, we went to Swee Lee with H.T., and then after tt he dropped us off at the shopping centre, where we had our lunch at Jack's Place! was quite fun there...throughout the time there, Jabez was like trying to make us laugh...hahaha...and SOME jokes were funny lah..haha..but sometimes it was our(Elisha's, Paul's, and my) reaction that made it all uber funny!..anyway it was a fun time spent there chatting with the 3 of them, and hope u guys found the food Yummy!..haha...Paul, u always order the same thing there eh?..haha!... After lunch, we walked to church, whereby we then went to their house..played wc there..haha!...and i ALMOST could have killed Paul for 1 round...but i withdrew too fast!..haha..oh time..=)..'s about all for today!..tmr i'll be playing the Cajon for a performance at Esplanade..hope the 3 of u can come and watch!!..haha...u 3 would be my favourite audience! Cheers and Regards, dragonfly!
++ quoth dragonfly at 6:11 AM Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Hello!!!... Today's been an awesome day for me!!..i collected my new LP Galaxy 14" Djembe from Jhon today!...and it looks and sounds uber awesome!!..but it is HUGE siaz!..haha...check out the pics!...Thanks Faiser, and Thanks Jhon!!...thanks bro...will miss jamming with you. Next time if there's a chance to meet again, let's do some gigs/jamming!..Muchas Gracias!! Here's what my Djembe looks like seated in the living room... ![]() Here's a pic to show how big it is... ![]() A pic of Faiser, Me, and Jhon at Changi Airport ![]() The bag i'm getting tmr. The bag's by Meinl, because LP doesn't have a bag big enough for this. ![]() Cheers and Regards, Nick
++ quoth dragonfly at 9:04 AM Tuesday, May 13, 2008
HellO!!! Woohoo!'s 1:44am now, and i can't sleep!..guess why?'m not getting a new knife again...rather, i'm getting a new drum!! 8pm later, i'll be collecting my new "LP (Latin Percussion) Galaxy® Giovanni Series™ Djembe" from Jhon Fernandez from the airport!!..a fellow conguero from Columbia, he now plays in Bangkok, and he did me such a huge favour by travelling 2hrs to the LP distributor in Bangkok to buy the Djembe for me! costs me only S$750 in total inclusive of the Djembe bag!! Singapore the whole set would have cost me about S$1200+++..Here's a picture of what it looks like: ![]() Mine's the one on the left, which is the 14 inch (Diameter) Djembe, and has the deeper bass tones, and the nice crisp slaps!..woohoo!! 18 hours time this baby will be mine!!... Will be bringing this with me to Batam on the 3rd of June for the Church Retreat, and this time this will be the instrument that i'll play there!..haha!..Also, on the 7th and 8th of June, will be going with Eunice, and most likely Elisha; Jabez; and Paul to a Drum Circle in Singapore..that should be fun!..i'll be bringing my Djembe or Cajon..still thinking..heh.. Oh to go sleep soon!.. To YOU: Chill ya?..remember, no matter what ppl say, it doesn't matter...U are U, and not what they think "U" are..Rock on!..can't wait to show U my Djembe!! Cheers and Regards, dragonfly-conguero
++ quoth dragonfly at 10:44 AM Monday, May 12, 2008
![]() Hello... Hahaha...can you tell that i'm really super duper uber bored?..and i can't sleep!'s like 1:30am?..haha..oh well, here's an airport i built..and there's 3 Boeing A100 planes taking off...haha.. Cheers and Regards, Nick
++ quoth dragonfly at 10:28 AM Thursday, May 08, 2008
Hello!... An update on today...I'd just gotten off the bus when i heard the sound of a sports car in the distance. Saw a beautiful red Ferrari on the opposite side of the road approaching, and was admiring it when WHAM! the car was turning around a curved bend in the road, it spun!..spinning 180 degrees, it came to a crashing halt after hitting the kerb, and crashing its front bonnet against the lamp post. What a heartache!...such a beautiful car, now a damaged car...See what happens when drivers over-estimate their own driving skills, and under-estimate the curve?...respect the road my friend...Check out these pictures... See the tire marks?
++ quoth dragonfly at 5:19 AM Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Hello!..'s a picture of how this nerd looks...with M's spectacles..haha...oh...but who cares if i look nerdy eh?..haha...this nerd just got $5,000 as payment for a knife design..haha...but it's not for the knife which is resting on the bills...but still..haha...this is a rich-nerd for now..haha!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Cheers and Regards dragoNERDfly
++ quoth dragonfly at 9:49 AM Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Hello.. Currently i'm at the starbucks at One Fullerton, sipping some freshly squeezed Orange Juice, and listening to Brazillian Bossa Nova Music. I love the feeling. The sun rays reflect off the crests of the little waves that skim across the waters, and beam rays of joy into my soul.'s some knife-pictures which i like..check them out..