Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Some toys that are coming my way!: I've been busy too!...hahaha...ordered a folder from this Polish knifemaker, and the cool thing is that he builds his knives with just basic hand-tools!!..Something you don't see often in this world where the CNC (Computer-Numerically-Controlled) machines basically cut everything out for the knifemakers...Can't wait for this fella to come in!! this should be in by december 07 i think.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also, i just ordered another knife from a knifemaker in Missouri. I think it would look good as a tactical companion to my Custom Koji Hara Takezo bamboo folder!..and this beauty has a drop-dead-gorgeous HAMON!!!...wow!!...a folding knife with a HAMON!!...that's rare!..can't wait for this to come too!...this would take a few months to materialize too! Check out the pictures!! ![]() A pic of the "Bamboo Folder" in hand..a handful of titanium and 1095 goodness! ![]() FRAMELOCK!!!! ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also...hahaha...i know i've already ordered 2 knives, but i ordered another 2 more...but these are slated for delivery in DEC 2013. These are 2 full dress Fraley Torrents, and i don't have pictures of the 2 i ordered, in the *Special* configuration i ordered them in, (mine's a pair, 1 with Mother Of Pearl Handles; and one with Stag Scales) well, here's a pic of how they should look similar to: ![]()
That's all for today..hahah
++ quoth dragonfly at 8:04 PM
Hello!... Haven't blogged much recently...been a little busy actually...with school term essays, with projects, and some arts club activities which i was helping out with. But i got some new stuff!..hahaha...some posts back i posted pics of my latest blade score, well, i tuned my Obie a little. the action's glass-smooth now, and i polished the bolsters a little, and i think they look better now..the Carbon fibre handles were polished a little too, and i quite like the looks of it now..here's some pics of it. Also bought 2 new torx-head drivers for disassembling / assembling my Obie(seen in the picture accompaning my Obie)..pretty expensive though, they cost S$10 each..but i guess it's a worthwhile investment. At least i won't bugger up the screws. Got a book too!...my aunt's a saint...she often brings me to kinokuniya, and basically will pay for my purchases there. So i got this book on the 9-11 event, and it also talks about the build-up to the event. She also got me this cd "Grandes De La Musica Cubana - Guantanamera" from Spain, and a shirt from Spain too..pretty cool!..the shirt's in the wash, so i can't post a pic of it..haha and finally!...my first Havaianas...hahaha...love them...they look funky...hahaha...and all my friends give me a funny look becos its "not me"...hahah
Hahaha...that's all for now!.. p.s: Welcome back Bulus!, and stay safe, Angeline!
++ quoth dragonfly at 7:36 PM Sunday, October 21, 2007
![]() (i'm feeling a little queer now...sigh..i still kinda have feelings for someone i liked last time...the first girl i liked actually...and i think she's just a very nice person. And she's someone who doesn't put herself first. She's someone who will refuse help if she feels she's inconveniencing others.that's something which is a huge draw factor, and it doesn't help that she's pretty..(pretty = nice looking)..but with a nice character, it makes her a beautiful person..(beautiful = nice looking + a good character)..and she's a very caring sister...especially to her 2 brothers...sigh...i miss the times in the past where i used to chat with her so much over the phone...sigh...(deep in thought) Cheers and Regards, Junpei
++ quoth dragonfly at 9:05 PM Saturday, October 20, 2007
Some pictures...had a knife collectors' gathering overseas this weekend, and look what we shared!...pity we don't have a gathering like this in singapore!! Cheers and Regards, dragonfly
++ quoth dragonfly at 6:03 AM Thursday, October 18, 2007
Hello!... yesterday was an awesome day for me at Cuba Libre!..haha...to the folks there, i'm known as "Nik-O-Las from Sentosa"..well, that's how Faiser introduced me, and the name's stuck..haha..yesterday was awesome as it was when they let me play much more, and even let me play on the Timbales(an instrument i've never played before!)...well, here are some pictures..=)..p.s: do i look very under-dressed?..my mum thinks i should wear something nicer when i perform.. This is how Cuba Libre looks like...love the place! from the left: the Keyboardist from Bolivia; the guitarist from Chile; the conguero from Sentosa; the guerilla percussionist from Columbia, and the bassist from Spain and this is me when i'm trying to go faster, and trying to keep the Montuno beats consistent in pace and uniform in sound! here's the band again...=) and finally, this is me on the Timbales, and Jhon(our guerilla conguero / trumpeter from Columbia) on the Congas! Cheers and Regards,
++ quoth dragonfly at 7:21 AM Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Yay!!!...Got this lovely knife today!...much thanks to "Ziggy" and "Spyken" from the CK&G forums!...haha...it's much bigger than i thought it would be, but that doesn't matter because i love big knives!!.. Well, the blade's well centred, and doesn't seem to have any observable play in all 4 axes. I also like how Mike Obenauf has contoured the carbon fibre scales, so they're nice to hold. weight-wise this is a rather hefty knife, and its presence in the pocket is definitely noticeable. Kinda like the fact that it is tip down too because this means i can safely clip it to either pocket, thus making it more ambidextrous. Well, I'll post a better review on my other blog after i've gotten to edc'ing it for a while...but for now here it is: Artist: Mike Obenauf (USA) Model: M2 (Large) Blade Steel: S-30V Handle Materials: Titanium bolsters on Carbon Fibre Scales Locking System: Liner Lock And here are the pics:
Cheers and Regards,
++ quoth dragonfly at 5:47 AM Sunday, October 14, 2007
![]() haha...another picture to add to the post i made yesterday..this pic was in my cellphone..took it when all of us climbed up to the top of this structure...not really supposed to climb up, but it's the highest point of East Coast Park...haha..we're all in our socks because we had to remove our rollerblades and leave them downstairs...Cheerios! Cheers and Regards, dragonfly
++ quoth dragonfly at 6:28 PM
Hello!!...haha...haven't really had the free time to blog much recently!!..well, here's a BRIEF update on my life!.. Been playing a little bit of percussions here and there for some cash, and hopefully will have classes starting soon (as in i'm giving classes)...played at Cuba Libre too, but the lead-guitarist who just rejoined is too fast for me...so i take a backseat role...Also pretty busy getting some stuff done for the Church Annual Family Day thingy..just finished a banner yesterday!...see this: ![]() So what next?...haha...i bought a new knife!...it should be coming in anytime now!...probably tomorrow?...now that would so rock!...here's some pictures of it..made by custom knife maker Mike Obenauf, this is his signature Model 2!...in Carbon Fibre!..haha..=)...can't wait for it to come..here's how it looks like: Oh, finally, the most fun thing!...today i brought 4 boys out!...haha...Elisha, Jabez, Paul, Daniel Gan..we went blading at east coast park, followed by sitting the Viking Ship!..hahaha...and i told them my puking story too...haha...here's some pix!: (so glad that they enjoyed themselves!!) First: Some pictures of Elisha and Daniel Gan more pictures of the 2 of them smiling away... And here's Paul and Jabez! Glad you boys had fun!!..and Thank YOU God!...for granting us such an awesome weather...
Cheers and Regards,
++ quoth dragonfly at 5:34 AM |