Monday, May 22, 2006
Hello!... I've got 5 mins to spare, so here's my last blog entry!.. I'm leaving my house in a couple of minutes time, will be leaving to the flight's at 9:20pm tonight, Malaysian Airlines flight MH0610, to KL from Changi terminal 2, then transiting to Paris... Met up with Mozzie this afternoon, had a last little chat before i leave...i'll miss all my frens...and family, and my beloved tortoises...I always pat them to sleep everynight, stroking their little heads...gonna miss them so much!, and i know they'll miss me granny says everytime i'm abroad, their appetites shrink...sigh... Oh well, gtg!...please pray for me guys, for journey mercies, as well as a smooth trip...I have a weird feeling about this trip..but i shall keep it to myself...will post it here when i get back!... for those going for the church retreat, Have fun!, and may you guys learn more abt God there too!.. For my kakkis: Subway Kakki: We'll meet up for subway when i get back!...curry pok! coffee pals: Catch up when i'm back! Evien: haven't met up for ages...catch up soon yea? makkan kakki: let's go for a meal when i come back ya?..before u fly off! Well...i really gotta go!...seeya!! cheers! dragonfly
++ quoth dragonfly at 2:24 AM Sunday, May 21, 2006
Hi Everybody... Just an update..i'll be flying off to Paris tonight, for a 2 week vacation, and will be there till the 6th of June. I will definitely miss all my family and friends here, especially my closer friends, like mozzie, joannz, micqsy, eunice, my cells, ben, evien, etc...friends i haven't met in a while, like ah lian, and pongsy!!!...and of course, weizhen=), my makkan kakki, n hao xiong di...=)...okay lah...i think will miss all my friends!!...haha...just that maybe more so for the above mentioned people...yup.. Tis been pretty exciting packing for this trip of mine, as i have never been to Paris before..i've been to other parts of europe before...but not Paris..=)..oh well, pray for me ya?...that i'll have a safe and pleasant holiday!..=) Met up with Chensi today for lunch at Sakae Sushi, followed by Coffee at Olio Dome today...twas pretty nice, meeting up, and chit chatting again after something like a few thousand years...hahaha... Friends of mine should know i take photos on film...haha..i'm bringing something like 35 rolls of film there!..more then enough!..haha...i'll shoot some nice pictures for friends at home ya?..=).. Tomorrow I'll be meeting mozzie for a quick lunch after sch...just before i leave...nice meet up for lunch..=) Well, i guess i've gotta go sleep already, i will try to update this blog in Paris if i can find a Wi-Fi spot!...haha...i'll be bringing my laptop there!...It's an important source of music, as well as a library of pictures!..=)..seeya guys soon!... p.s: Thanks Eunice, for sending me off too!...=)...seeya tomorrow!... Cheers! dragonfly
++ quoth dragonfly at 11:02 AM Friday, May 19, 2006
![]() Hello!... So many things happened today!...i had a great day!..haha...i shall blog about that tomorrow!...Just packed my stuff for my trip to Paris, and here's a pic of my more exciting gear!...This is what i'll be carrying with me everyday in Paris!...=) Cheers! dragonfly
++ quoth dragonfly at 11:22 AM Monday, May 15, 2006
Hello!... Haha...i feel happy today...went to walk around a bit, took a bit of photographs, went from place to place, to hunt for the "right" picture i wanted, and snapped it!...after which, i went to have my photographs developed!..haha..there're still some photos which i wish to take, but that will have to wait till tomorrow..That's right, i've more to take tomorrow!... An interesting sight caught my attention today. I was crossing the road, when i noticed that there were lights blinking on the tarred road. It's a pretty ingenious idea, when the "green-man" is not flashing, the lights stay constantly shining...when they start to blink, the "floor-lights" blink too!...perfect for people like me who cross the roads with their heads burrowed in a good read, staring downwards.. Packed a bit more of my luggage bag today. Was choosing which knives to bring to Paris. I chose a beautiful set of 8 to carry with me. My beloved knives..=) Hmm...didn't do much the time i finished everything, it was 10+pm...came home to rot all the way till now..haha...well, that more or less sums up my day!...till tomorrow!..=) Cheers! dragonfly
++ quoth dragonfly at 8:10 AM Saturday, May 13, 2006
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() YAY!!!! Bill Yester Dropped me a PM just a couple of minutes ago, to tell me that he has finished the repairs on my baby, and will ship it out this afternoon(San Fransisco Time)!!...Woohoo!!!...Attached above are the pictures "Dr". Bill Yester sent me of my baby, who is now back in the Pink of health!!...Thanks Bill!!! Cheers!!! dragonfly!!!
++ quoth dragonfly at 10:27 AM Friday, May 12, 2006
Hello... I've been thinking quite a bit recently...I'm a person who likes to have plans. I try to plan everything out well in advance, so that i won't have too many surprises springing up on me. Hmm...for a long time, i have been musing on life, on what I want to do upon graduation. I've set my heart on doing Political Science as my major in NUS. Talked to a few people recently, and from what they tell me, the life in the diplomatic service seems pretty interesting, something i might want to pursue as a career. Thus, that will be the aim i intend to achieve, to find a career in the diplomatic service.=).. When i matriculate, and commence my undergraduate studies in NUS, i intend to take up a third language, preferably either french or german, as those would put me in good stead to get an overseas exchange programme slot. My aunt also told me that maybe i could pick up Spanish. Because apart from English, and Chinese, Spanish is the next most spoken language in the world. I believe this would come in pretty handy next time, when i enter the workplace of my choice. When i enter NUS, i'll be 23, by the time i enter the workplace, i should be around 27 / 28. That's pretty old!..I don't think I can achieve my previous goal of attaining my first million by the age of 30. But it's okay. I shall strive for a job which interests me, stimulates my mind, and pays me well enough to keep my family living somewhere between comfort and luxury. Talking about family, I'm not even attached, so maybe it's a little far fetched to think about this. But this is something i realise that has changed in terms of importance in my life. Previously, my main goal in life was to earn as much money as i could, so that I could live a life of extravagance. But now. That's not my aim anymore. I wasn't born into a rich family, but being the only child has its benefits. My parents and grandparents have always pampered me ever since my eyes first saw light. Everything i wanted, i got. My family gave me the best of everything. When I start a family in future, I want to give them the best too!.. I want to have a bungalow, with rooms my children can invite their friends to stay over, a lawn my wife can hold tea parties on, a ktv room my wife can sing to her heart's delight, a piano for my children to practice on, a place for me to keep dogs!...i think pets are essential for children, because they provide the companionship parents sometimes are unable to due to work committments. I still aim for affluence now, but the only thing is that the reason why i want it is different. I want to give my wife and kids a life of luxury, a comfortable stable life, one that they can be proud of. Well, that's about my plans for the next few years..=)
++ quoth dragonfly at 9:58 PM
Hello... A song that i've been listening to recently...i really love this song... "Let's Talk About Love" - Bryan Adams / Celine Dion Everywhere I go, all the places that I've been. Every smile's a new horizon, on a land I've never seen. There are people around the world, different faces different names. But there's one true emotion, that reminds me we're the same... Let's talk about love. From the laughter of a child, to the tears of a grown man. There's a thread that runs right through us, and helps us understand. As subtle as a breeze, that fans a flicker to a flame. From the very first sweet melody, to the very last refrain... Let's talk about love. Let's talk about us. Let's talk about life. Let's talk about trust. Let's talk about love. It's the king of all who live, and the queen of all good hearts. It's the ace you may keep up your sleeve, till the name is all but lost. As deep as any sea, with the rage of any storm. But as gentle as a falling leaf, on any autumn morn... Let's talk about love. Let's talk about us. Let's talk about life. Let's talk about trust. Let's talk about love - it's all we're needin' Let's talk about us - it's the air we're breathin' Let's talk about life - I wanna know you Let's talk about trust - and I wanna show you Everywhere I go, all the places that I've been. Every smile's a new horizon, on a land I've never seen. There are people around the world, different faces different names. But there's one true emotion, that reminds me we're the same... Let's talk about love. Let's talk about us. Let's talk about life. Let's talk about trust. Let's talk about love........
++ quoth dragonfly at 6:18 AM Tuesday, May 09, 2006
![]() Hello... Just an update on my day..=)... Had a rather nice day today, woke up at 10:30am this morning, checked my mailbox, and was elated to recieve an email from Bill Yester, who offered to re-condition my AL MAR SERE. He included his address, and hence, after a nice warm shower, i went off to the postal office to send my knife via courier to him. Hopefully I'll be able to get it back before my trip to Paris on 22nd May..=).. After that, went to pick Weizhen=) up from her house, then we took a cab to Bukit Timah for porridge..=) She wasn't feeling very well, and to be honest, i felt a little bad for having her come with me even though she was sick...(but thanks for being so shang2 lian3 Weizhen=)!=))..Had Taiwan-styled Porridge at this eatery located in the middle of the stretch of shophouses facing Beauty World, (thanks Evien, for the recommendation!), and it was then that i learnt about the differences between Taiwan-zhou, and Cantonese-Zhou...never knew Weizhen=) was such a "zhou" connoisseur actually!...haha...oh well, sent her home after brunch...we met paila on the way home...she was in her mom's car/jeep, Weizhen=) and i were waiting for a taxi by the road when we heard someone calling my name...turned to see, and saw paila in her mum's car! after which, I went to Borders and Kinokuniya, went to look for some books regarding knives, as well as hunt for some knife magazines, found a few i like, and bought them for my own perusal. After which i popped down to Cold Storage to buy some Chamomile Tea for Weizhen=), cos it's supposed to be helpful in relieving some of the sympthoms of flu. On my way home after delivering a package, it started to pour real heavily!. and there was this taxi that was illegally reversing some 50 to 100metres!!..i had wanted to make a dash across 2 lanes in the heavy rain, and the first lane i was going to cross, was clear of traffic in the road direction of flow from my left to my right, and i was focusing on my right, to make sure no car came, that when i ran, i was knocked by the stupid cab that was reversing!...i NEVER expected him to be coming from my left, AGAINST the flow of traffic!!...grr!!..and thus i fell down, luckily with no major injuries, other then a lightly grazed right knee, and bruising my hip. And needless to say, i was drenched from top to bottom..So here i am now, with a fever and a headache from the exposure to the rain...haiz...i've attached a graphic illustration of my accident... Oh well, on a lighter note, it's past 12am, 10th May 2006, and it's my grandmother's Birthday!...haha...i'm very sure she won't see this post ever, but anyway, i shall still wish her a Happy Birthday here!!...haha...=) Think that's about all i'll post for tonight, till the next time i blog, Enjoy life!! Cheers, Dragonfly!
++ quoth dragonfly at 9:18 AM Monday, May 08, 2006
![]() Hello!... An update on the day...I went down to my knife dealer's today, wanted to buy another knife, of the same make and model as my scratched piece, but was told that there was only 2 of them...=(...and the other one was sold. So, I have decided to send my knife to one of the "knife-pimps", as we call them on the forums. Those guys are good at working with Micarta, and modifying knives. Will send it to one of the best "knife-pimps", to get them to sand down the scratches, and to polish it again!...will restore my precious back to the original glory!..=)...I've attached a picture of the scratches..manz...i'm quite good at drawing stuff with Microsoft Paint!..=) Cheers!...haha...i'm excited abt Pizza tmr!.. dragonfly flutters away...=)
++ quoth dragonfly at 5:10 AM Sunday, May 07, 2006
Hello!... Hmm...just some updates on my life..=) Last Thursday, i went to listen to the Workers' Party rallies with my church pastor - Uncle Daniel, Faith, & Jezrel. It was the first opposition rally i have been to, and it was pretty interesting... Then on Friday, I went to attend the Singapore Democratic Alliance's rally with Eunice and her jc friends...they were really EXTREME!~!...haha...imagine this, one group of boys+girls, raising aloft a signboard that reads "I'D VOTE FOR SDA IF I WERE 21!"..haha...with lots of star-stickers stuck to it!...haha....after the rallies, we went to Macdonalds at Boon Keng, and took up a huge longggg table!...haha...and being Friesday, we ate Fries...haha...lame....=) Fast forward to Sunday, I met up with Paila...I was slated to meet my dad at Bukit Timah Plaza, and Paila was in Orchard, so met up with her to take the bus back, and chit chat...(she stays in Bukit Timah)...we took the wrong bus, and ended up at Bukit Panjang!...haha...oh well, managed to catch the correct bus back though..=) Well, the week ahead should be pretty exciting, Monday will be spent helping my mum to pack for the trip to Paris, Tuesday will be with Weizhen, enjoying Pizza n Ice-Cream...(hopefully it tastes Good!)...Wednesday would be celebrating my grandmother's birthday, Thursday would be meeting Selwyn - (My Maris Stella fellow Peer-Support-Leader) for cycling and lunch, and Friday would be Just slacking...=)...Cheers!..=) Cheers!... Dragonfly!
++ quoth dragonfly at 9:13 AM
Hello..... Haiz....i'm feeling pretty down now...Remember a few posts back i was so happy that i bought a new knife?...Well, today a friend of mine dropped it...and so there was a scratch on the bottom of the knife...not a big deal if it were just a normal knife, but i was very upset because of 4 reasons. Firstly, as a collector, i collect only MINT knives, i.e to say, knives which are in 100% perfect condition. Maybe you don't understand, because you're not a knife-collector..but for me, a scratch is a scratch, and it's like a scar, it will never repair...=(...and i told you to be careful so many times....haiz...haiz...So this knife is now destined not to be in my "collector's" cupboard already, it will be a user, a knife i bring for camps..=)...well, maybe that's good too, because i now have a High Quality knife to bring on camps?...=.. Secondly, the knife is's not like i can send it back to the maker to repair, or order a new piece. The person has passed away more than 10 years ago, and the model is no longer being made...i cannot get it took me 3 years to finally get this knife you know?...=(...haiz... Thirdly, for those of you who don't know, this knife was like the Holy Grail of my me, it IS the perfect folding knife, old school design and materials, but a beautiful piece of working art! is what i would call Heirloom quality, a knife worthy of being passed from generation to generation...I really love the handle design, the crisp lines of the blade, and the heft of the knife, and the excellent workmanship...but now, whilst it's all still there, but like i said, a scratch is a's un-deniable... Finally, I bought this knife at $480, and that was an extremely good price!!...i was quoted a price that was set many years ago...In the trading forums today, as well as e-bay, a MINT condition piece would run up to in excess of 1,000 dollars....sigh....... *if You are reading this, I'm not trying to make you feel bad or anything...just want you to understand why i was so upset, and what the knife means to me.....*... sighz... dragonfly...
++ quoth dragonfly at 8:06 AM Tuesday, May 02, 2006
HellO!... I feel so excited! new gear to tote!..just bought a new pouch today!..sounds like normal right?...BUT!! this pouch is awesome.. Manufactured by "pac-safe", and it comes with "eXomesh" technology!...huh?! u say?...haha...let me explain! On the outside, this looks like a normal pouch, looks like it's constructed out of mere nylon. with a pretty normal looking buckle, in black..looks like what the typical fanny pack a tourist would carry on a vacation. In actuality, beneath the layer of 600D nylon(that's one of the better nylon grades in the market), is actually a thin layer of high-tensile stainless steel wires, which encages the entire pouch! so if a pickpocket were to attempt to cut through my pouch he or she would be frustrated to discover that his knife cannot cut through steel wires with an average cable strength of approximately 198kg!! Furthermore, if a snatch thief were to attempt to snatch my pouch and run off, he or she would be dismayed to discover that the same high tensile steel wire goes around my waist, and is covertly locked to a padlock hidden beyond his sight!...HA!!...and the buckle that is so blatantly seen, is actually a dud!...the REAL buckle, is hidden behind a thin flap of nylon, and similarly, protected by high-tensile steel wire!...=) about the ultimate anti-theft pouch manz!!! Cheers! Knives Rawk My Socks!!!
++ quoth dragonfly at 4:50 AM Monday, May 01, 2006
Hello... Sigh...i'm feeling upset closer friends will know that i live with my grandparents, instead of my parents ever since i was young. now that i've grown up, my granny has often tried to ask me to go back to live with my parents...but the truth is, i'm quite frightened of my parents...maybe cos the closeness isn't there...i get quite nervous when my mum calls me on my mobile, always living with the fear of her scolding me...urgg... Sometimes i envy my friends who can just openly show their displeasure to their talking back?...not that i like to talk back, but there're 2 extremes in my family...on 1 hand, there's my granny, who cannot stand any form of displeasure at all, and when i'm angry, i can't really let go of my feelings...if i do, she will get even angrier...and it always ends in her crying, saying how unfilial i am...and that always makes me feel like shit.....resulting in me saying i'm sorry...when deep in my heart, i know i don't think i've done wrong...but i feel like shit for making her cry....urgg..and she will always use this tactic against me...freak... as for my mother, i don't really feel close to her...i'm closer to my mum expects me to argue back when she scolds me...but i don't do that cos i just don't feel like responding...i just keep quiet when she scolds...then she gets angrier...she screams at me to say why do i not reply her...but the thing is, i really don't have anything to say in response!!...urgg...i wish someone could just understand me a bit.. I love collecting Knives, and i think ALMOST ALL my friends know that...but the thing is, my granny is against my collecting knives, and she scolds me for wasting money when she sees me buy knife magazines home to read...haiz...when i was young, she was against another hobby of mine too, and i ended up giving up the hobby...many a time i've thought of giving up collecting knives as a hobby too, but haven't yet...if i really give this hobby up, i feel i will have nothing to excite me in life...haiz!!! urgg...i feel horrible now!!!...
++ quoth dragonfly at 7:33 AM ![]() This is a picture of all my AL MAR knives... from the top: AL MAR SERE Attack 3003 Green Micarta Handle (Large) AL MAR SERE Attack 3002 Brown Micarta Handle (Medium) AL MAR Gunstock Folding Knife with a .308 Bullet Percussion cap Insert AL MAR Havana Cigar Cutter (First production Run) AL MAR Hawk Red Jigged Bone Handle (Medium) AL MAR Osprey Stag Handle (small) My favourites!!!....
++ quoth dragonfly at 12:46 AM |